The Democratic Party of Georgia is partnering with National Democratic Training Committee to provide online training for any Democrat running for office in the state of Georgia. The online candidate training apparatus is designed to give both first-time candidates and seasoned elected officials the know-how to run smart, successful campaigns at no cost to the candidate or the campaign.
Who: Democrats running for office anywhere in this state for any position from School Board to Governor.
What: Free online training for any and all Democrats running for office.
When: Training starts now and will always be available to Democrats in Georgia through this partnership between the Democratic Party of Georgia and the National Democratic Training Committee.
How: Simply sign up at https://www.traindemocrats.org/GADems to get started.
“The Democratic Party of Georgia is thrilled to be partnering with the national experts at the National Democratic Training Committee,” said DuBose Porter, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Together we are providing the tools for every candidate to run and win from the local level to statewide office.”
This partnership is announced in time for Democrats qualifying for local office this August to take full of advantage of the training modules.
“It’s our hope that this training will equip Democrats running from City Commission to Mayor with the tools needed to win across the state this November,” said Rome City Commissioner and Georgia DNC member Wendy Davis. Davis also serves as Chair of Georgia Democratic Municipal Officials.
In addition to the training, leaders at the National Democratic Training Committee are partnering with leaders at the Democratic Party of Georgia to host discussion calls on certain modules in September so as to particularly help the Democrats running for local office this November synthesize the training and put it into action. If you or someone you know plans to get trained up, be sure to hold the following dates in your calendar:
Tuesday, September 5th, 7:00 p.m.— Discuss “How to Build a Field Plan” module with National Training Committee Experts, DNC Member and Rome City Commissioner Wendy Davis and DPG’s Director of Outreach and Organizing, Chrystian Woods.
Wednesday, September 13th, 7:00 p.m.— Discuss “How to Make the Ask” module with National Training Committee Experts, DNC Member and Rome City Commissioner Wendy Davis and DPG’s Director of Finance, John Buckner.
Thursday, September 21st, 7:00 p.m.— Discuss “Finding Campaign Volunteers” module with National Training Committee Experts, DNC Member and Rome City Commissioner Wendy Davis and DPG’s Director of County Affairs, Melva Steps.
Questions about the program may be submitted by email to the Executive Director of the Democratic Party, Rebecca DeHart at Rebecca@GeorgiaDemocrat.org