The Democratic Lieutenant Governor Candidate forum.

Democratic Lieutenant Governor Virtual Candidate Forum

Tuesday, April 19 7:30 p.m.

ZOOM and Facebook Live

🗳Prepare for the May Primary Ballot by joining us and the Democratic Party of Georgia 1st Congressional District as we host Lieutenant Governor Candidates.

🔹Register and join us via ZOOM at:…/reg…/WN_JyKvMqApRF-AwFG9A2UbEA

🔹Join us via Facebook Live on the DPG 1stCD page at:

Voter Lunch and Learn with Christina Redden.

Join us for lunch this coming Wednesday, April 20 and get a breakdown of the new election laws, new deadlines, redistricting, and precinct changes from Christina Redden, Assistant Supervisor of the Glynn County Board of Elections and Registration.

After a brief presentation, we will have an open discussion and Q&A. Our goal is to give attendees knowledge and resources to share with other voters throughout Glynn County.

Lunch provided. Hope to see you there.

Poll watcher training this weekend.

Poll watcher training will be held at the GlynnDems Headquarters on Wednesday, April 13, at 6 p.m., and Saturday, April 16, at 11 a.m.  Attendance at only one of the 30-minute sessions is required to serve as a poll watcher during the primary voting season.  

If you want to be a poll watcher during the primary season, you MUST attend the final training session on Saturday, April 16th.

If you have any questions, please contact Voter Protection Coordinator Penny Hennessy at

GlynnDems Headquarters
1919 Glynn Ave #7
Brunswick, GA 31520

Congratulations to our qualified candidates.

Richard Ingalls qualified for Glynn County Commisioner At Large Post 1

Cornell Harvey qualified for Glynn County Commisioner District 4.

Rachel Thompson qualified for school board member District 4.

Joyce Griggs qualified for Georgia’s 1st Congressional District.

Wade Herring qualified for Georgia’s 1st Congressional District.

Michelle Munroe qualified for Georgia’s 1st Congressional District.

GA-CD1 Candidate Forum

📢Join us Tuesday night 7-9pm as we cohost this important virtual candidate forum. The event will stream on our page via Facebook Live.