March 25 Meeting: Commissioner Allen Booker, Amenities Kits for Homeless

Thanks so much to all, who attended the Glynn Dems March Community meeting March 25.  It was diverse, engaging, and interactive, with the highlights being: our keynote speaker, Commissioner Allen Booker. Many thanks to him, for leading a lively, thought-provoking Q&A; and compiling amenities kits for the ‘unsheltered homeless community,’ distributed by the charity, Gateway, through its Street Outreach Homeless Assistance Program. Many thanks to those, who donated travel-sized toiletries.

It was a great evening!

PLEASE NOTE: The April community meeting will take place April 29 (the fifth Monday of the month) because of Easter Monday.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Cedric King, Julie Jordan Elected Members of the State Committee

Cedric King and Julie Jordan were elected Feb. 25 to serve as members of the Democratic Party of Georgia State Committee. The Executive Committee of the Glynn County Democratic Committee voted on the two new members at its Feb. 25 meeting.

The role of the state committee is to elect party chairs for each congressional district, elect officers of the Democratic Party of Georgia and elect Georgia members of the Democratic National Committee.

Election set for Democratic Party of Georgia committee members

Glynn County Democrats

Members of the Glynn County Democrats Executive Committee will hold the election on Monday, Feb. 25, 5:30 p.m., at the Miller Building, First United Methodist Church of Brunswick, 1400 Norwich St., Brunswick GA 31520.

To qualify as a State Committee Member, you must be registered to vote in Glynn County and provide proof of residence. Please notify Julie Jordan, Chair of the Glynn County Democratic Committee, of your intention to run, by Monday, Feb. 18. Candidates also must sign a Democratic Party Affidavit, on Monday, Feb. 25, prior to the election.

All correspondence should be sent, by email, to

A single, one-minute speech may be made by those seeking to be delegates or alternates, on the day of the election.

You can read the Democratic Party of Georgia bylaws at