Please join us as we welcome Margaret Coker, editor-in-chief of The Current, an online newspaper covering coastal GA. She is a prize winning investigative journalist who has covered stories from 32 countries on four continents. Thursday, February 8 at 12:30PM at Halyards, 55 Cinema Lane Saint Simons Island. Click the graphic or the link below
The weather was perfect on Monday, January 15th, for a march through Brunswick to celebrate the life of Revered Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Glynn Dems once again had their float and had a large contingent of riders/marchers.
2024 Cohort of Glynn Dems.
Brunswick Mayor, Cosby Johnson, stopped by to say hello.
Mayor Johnson, Wanda Bruce (District 4) and Heath Holdsworth (Treasurer).
Leading the Glynn Dems.
From left: Richard Ingalls (First Vice Chair), Tim McDermott (Secretary) . Vicki Green (Second Vice Chair) handing out candy. Followed by the Glynn Dems float.
The Glynn Dems will be kicking off the 2024 Community Meeting Calendar on Monday, January 22nd at 6:30. Our guest speaker will be Christopher Channell, Director of the Glynn County Board of elections and Registration. Director Channell will speak about, among other things, the changes that will be taking place regarding election here in Glynn County.
The Community Meeting will be held at the Glynn Dems Headquarters at 1919 Glynn Ave #7 at 6:30PM immediately after the Glynn Count Dems County Committee Meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you there. Light refreshments will be served.
The 22nd annual Martin Luther King, Jr. breakfast was held on Jan 12, 2024 at the Greater Works Faith Complex in Brunswick, GA. The event was sponsored by the Coastal Georgia Area Community Action Authority, Inc , whose mission it is to “promote self-sufficiency and will strive to improve the quality of life of families through education, training, comprehensive services and advocacy”.
Presentation of Colors – Brunswick Police Department Honor Guard
National Anthem – Glynn Academy Chorus
Welcome – Lisa James, Board Chair CGACAA
Greetings – Cosby Johnson, Mayor of Brunswick, GA Walter Rafolski, Vice-Chair Glynn County Board of Commissioners Donna Davis, Chair-Elect Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce Sharon Blue-Lee, President, Brunswick Chapter of the NAACP
Introduction of Speaker – Ms. Jamya Cash, Brunswick High School
Keynote Speaker – Senator Derrik Mallow, Senate District 2
Closing Remarks– Tres Hamilton, CEO Community Action
Closing Prayer and Dismissal– Rabbi Rachael Bregman
Glynn Dems. Audrey Gibbons, Olga McKenzie(Chair),Rich Selzer,Dr. Regina Johnson and Tim McDermott(Secretary).
The GlynnDems 2024 Luncheon schedule started with and event at the First United Methodist Church in Brunswick. Our guest speaker was former state senator and 2022 Democratic candidate for Attorney General. Jordan encouraged Glynn County democrats to keep up the great momentum they’d demonstrated in the last election cycles. In addition she spoke to how it is necessary for Democrats to get the word out themselves, not just respond to Republican claims. Each of the Glynn Dems Committee members in attendance the audience with issue pertinent to their board responsibilites.
Olga McKenzie, Chair spoke of upcoming events and plans to have the Glynn Dems office open more.
Richard Ingalls, First Vice Chair, in charge of Candidate recruitment spoke to the importance of serving your community.
Vicki Greene, Second Vice Chair reminded those in attendance that the luncheons are a great way to get the word out and that the next luncheon will be at Halyards on SSI on Feb 8, 2024. Speaker for that event not yet announced.
Tim McDermott, Secretary, mentioned the importance that everyone has subscribed to our mailing list as that is one our main sources of disseminating information.
Heath Holdsworth, Treasurer, remind everyone that the Glynn Dems are self funded and Memberships help us keep our office open. Also there is an option for sustaining donations as well at :
Jen Jordan Addresses the audience.Full house at the FUMC.Glynn Dems Committee in attendance. From left: Liz Goodroe, Tim McDermott (Secretary), Olga McKenzie(Chair), Jen Jordan, Richard Ingalls(First Vice Chair), Vicki Greene(Second Vice Chair) and Heath Holdsworth(Treasurer).