Here is your opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering in a Marsh Madness cleanup event in the Golden Isles.

Here is your opportunity to give back to the community by volunteering in a Marsh Madness cleanup event in the Golden Isles.
Please join us for our March Democratic Women’s Luncheon at Halyard’s – March 9th – 12:30 PM.
Our speaker for March will be Lericia Harris, the director of the Community First Planning Commission. The commission is dedicated to restoring the confidence of the Black community in Glynn County.
Click HERE or the link below to select your meal and reserve your seat. Seating is limited so reserve your seat now and invite a friend to join us to help us expand our circle.
Newly Elected Glynn County Democratic Party chairman Christian Goree addresses the Glynn County Democratic Women’s luncheon.
The luncheon occurs on the second Thursday of each month at Halyards on SSI. Next months guest speaker will be Lecrecia Harris, director of Community First planning Commission.
For info on house to attend contact Vicki Greene at vickigreene@bellsouth.net .
The Glynn Dems were on hand bright and early on a drizzly Saturday morning to support the 80+ runners who signed up for the 4th Annual Heritage 5k Run sponsored by the Brunswick African American Cultural center info@BAACC.org .
We hand handouts and got a few new names for our mailing list. We were there to support the runners and ran an informal poll of chocolate vs cinnamon donuts. I think chocolate was the clear winner.
This is notification of the Glynn Dems State Committee member elections to be held on Monday, February 27, 2023 at our monthly Committee Meeting at 5:30 PM at the Glynn Dems Office.
Regular members of the State Committee shall be elected by County Committee members. The number of members to be elected to the State Committee is according to population and based upon a formula that is determined by the State Party. Glynn County may elect 2 state committee members and you do not have to be a member of the County Committee.
All persons desiring to be candidates for the State Committee must print and sign the affidavit below and turn it in to Christian Goree at chair@glynndems.org or at the meeting prior to the election.
The County Committee will allow one short speech (1 minute) on behalf of those
seeking to be elected to the State Committee.Each member of the County Committee should vote for the number of State
Committee members allotted to our county and shall ensure that there is racial and gender diversity among the Committee members elected.The Candidate receiving the most votes shall be seated first. The candidate of
the opposite gender receiving the most votes shall be seated second. This process will continue until all of the allotted State Committee positions are filled. If there is not a candidate of appropriate gender, that position shall be filled by the candidate with the next highest number of votes.All votes shall be by signed paper ballot, a show of hands or voice vote.
Upon election, it is the responsibility of the State Committee member to attend all called meetings of the State Committee. A State Committee member can be removed by the County Committee after one non excused absence.
The document can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/5x25vznz