The Alternative Drive-Through Event

Want to vote from home in the Nov. 3rd General Election?
How to request an Absentee Ballot
1) Print or request an application:
2) Submit application:
Glynn County Board of Elections
1815 Gloucester St.
Brunswick, GA 31520
If you have any questions regarding voting, please call the Board of Elections at (912) 554-7060.
Eight Democratic candidates from Glynn County have qualified to run in seven of the local partisan races being contested this year. Our candidates have qualified for the State Legislature, Glynn County Commission, Glynn County Board of Education and the Glynn County Tax Commissioner.
“This is the largest slate of local Democratic candidates in over two decades,” said GlynnDems Chairwoman Julie Jordan. “We are thrilled to field such a qualified and diverse group of candidates that will run to make a difference for all members of our community.”
The Democratic General Primary, including the presidential primary, will be June 9. Early voting begins May 18. The General Election will be Nov. 3.
The newly qualified candidates are:
State Legislature
Julie Jordan, House District 179
Glynn County Board of Commissioners
At-large Post 2
Fred Griffith
Taylor Ritz
District 2
Julian “Puddy” Smith
District 5
Allen Booker (incumbent)
Glynn County Board of Education
At-Large Post 2
Regina Johnson
District 5
Audrey Gibbons
Glynn County Tax Commissioner
Trina Rankin
Stop by the Glynn Dems tables at booth 95 and 96 this Friday and Saturday March 13 and 14th! We will be at Mary Ross Park 8 am to 5 pm both days.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Glynn County Democratic Committee is taking applications for one regular member to the State Committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia, to fill out a four-year term.
The Glynn County Democratic Committee Executive Committee will hold the election at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, 2020, at the monthly committee meeting, 1919 Glynn Ave., Suite 7, Brunswick, GA, 31520.
To qualify as a State Committee member, you must be registered to vote in Glynn County and provide proof of residence. If you wish to be considered, please file a notification of candidacy with Julie Jordan, chairwoman of the Glynn County Democratic Committee. Candidates also must sign a Democratic Party Affidavit.
All correspondence should be sent to j.jordan13@att.net.
A one-minute speech may be made, on the day of the election, by those seeking to be delegates or alternates.
You can read the Democratic Party of Georgia bylaws at https://www.georgiademocrat.org/…/up…/2015/06/DPG-BYLAWS.pdf
The state party committee elects congressional district chairs, officers of the Democratic Party of Georgia and Georgia members of the Democratic National Committee.