Election set for Democratic Party of Georgia committee members

Glynn County Democrats

Members of the Glynn County Democrats Executive Committee will hold the election on Monday, Feb. 25, 5:30 p.m., at the Miller Building, First United Methodist Church of Brunswick, 1400 Norwich St., Brunswick GA 31520.

To qualify as a State Committee Member, you must be registered to vote in Glynn County and provide proof of residence. Please notify Julie Jordan, Chair of the Glynn County Democratic Committee, of your intention to run, by Monday, Feb. 18. Candidates also must sign a Democratic Party Affidavit, on Monday, Feb. 25, prior to the election.

All correspondence should be sent, by email, to j.jordan13@att.net

A single, one-minute speech may be made by those seeking to be delegates or alternates, on the day of the election.

You can read the Democratic Party of Georgia bylaws at https://www.georgiademocrat.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/DPG-BYLAWS.pdf.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Glynn County Democrats!!
We hope that you had a happy, healthy Holiday Season, and are ready to engage with your fellow Democratic Party Members, to turn Glynn County, as well as the State of Georgia, Blue!
We are planning some great activities for this year, and next, especially, as we ramp up to the 2020 elections, which will be here before we know it.
We want to be prepared and to make sure that we not only register people to vote, but actually vote, in every election – from the most local ones, to the national ones. They are all crucial to our success, and our ability to make change in our communities.
As Proud Democrats, we also need to be seen, and make our presence known, at as many local events, as possible. We will try to help you do that, as much as possible, so watch this space.
As a start, rather than host Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 Meetings, in January, we are strongly encouraging Democrats to attend the organized Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend activities. You will see many of the Glynn County Democratic Committee Executive Committee members, attending these events, so we hope to see you there.
Below, are the two MLK Weekend Signature Events, for your information:

Speaker: Dr. Steve Perry
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: College Place United Methodist Church, 3890 Altama Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520

$25 per person
Purchase VIP Admission or Register your Sponsorship Today
To purchase tickets, click here:  http://www.coastalgacaa.org/events.html
Event: In addition to the Parade, there will be a Program of speakers and a Community Cookout
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Begins at Howard Coffin Park and ends at Selden Park

Finally, although there will not be District Meetings, in January, our Community Meeting will be held on Monday, January 28, to kick off 2019.
Date: Monday, January 28
Time:  7:00 PM
Location: The Miller Building of the First United Methodist Church. The church is located at 1400 Norwich Street, Brunswick GA 31520, and its Miller Building is directly behind it.
We hope to see you over the next two weeks, and District Meetings will resume, in February!

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DemocratsGlynnCountyGeorgia/

Notice of Vacancies in The Glynn County Democratic Committee

Call for Interested CandidatesC

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, according to Article Four, Section 4 of its Bylaws, all vacancies in Executive Committee Posts or Officers, in the Glynn County Democratic Committee, shall be filled by election of the remaining Committee members, provided at least three members remain.

Current Vacancies include:

• two (2) District 3 Representatives
• one (1) At-Large Representative

Each representative will be elected to serve on the Committee for a four-year term. 
The elections will be held, by the Executive Committee, on Monday, January 28th, at 5:45 p.m., in The Miller Building of the First United Methodist Church. The church is located at 1400 Norwich Street, Brunswick GA 31520, and its Miller Building is directly behind it. 

Please, also, direct your questions to Committee Chair, Julie Jordan, at j.jordan13@att.net.